shader clock

The core clock is what speed the main parts of the chip work at. The shader clock is the speed at which the shaders (and in the case of Nvidia, ...

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  • The core clock is what speed the main parts of the chip work at. The shader clock is the ...
    Core Clock Shader Clock Memory Clock - [Solved] - ...
  • The core clock is what speed the main parts of the chip work at. The shader clock is the s...
    Core Clock Shader Clock Memory Clock - [Solved] - Overclocking ...
  • 我的GT140 (据说是9600的一个马甲性能可能跟9600GT差不多)用rivatuner把core clock shader clock memory clock每个都由默认...
    core clock shader clock memory clock哪个对显卡超频的影响比较 ...
  • 我的GT140 (据说是9600的一个马甲性能可能跟9600GT差不多)用rivatuner把core clock shader clock memory clock每个都由默认往...
    core clock shader clock memory clock哪个对显卡超频的影响比较大?最 ...
  • 2007年8月18日 ... 第三次的BIOS設定調整結果 結論是:超Shader Clock的效果比超Core Clock所得到 的效率高。(超Core可能需要加壓才上的去......
    GF8600GT超頻Shader Clock經驗分享| 滄者極限
  • Hi all! I always hear you overclock both the core clock and the shader clock, but what is...
    GPU: Core clock vs. Shader Clock overclocking? - [Solved ... ...
  • 2014年7月16日 - Hi all! I always hear you overclock both the core clock and the shader clock...
    GPU: Core clock vs. Shader Clock overclocking? - [Solved] - Graphics ...
  • It used to be in the old days, back untill 8xxx,9xxx including(if i recall correctly) we ...
    Shader Clock For GPU OC - Graphics Cards - Tom's ...
  • 2015年4月5日 - It used to be in the old days, back untill 8xxx,9xxx including(if i recall co...
    Shader Clock For GPU OC - Graphics Cards - Tom's Hardware
  • 2016年4月11日 - I understand core clock memory clock but shader clock I don't get it . I...
    shader clock while overclocking - [Solved] - Graphics Cards
  • I understand core clock memory clock but shader clock I don't get it . I would be gla...
    shader clock while overclocking - [Solved] - Graphics Cards ...
  • 2012年8月30日 - shader clock主要是指逻辑算术元(ALU)部分的时钟好处是显而易见的: G80的128个1D shader只能单周期执行mul之类的指令,如果...
    shader clock_百度百科
  • I was using rivatuner and when i tried overclocking the core clock it does not work but w...
    What does the shader clock do??? | NotebookReview
  • I think I have an idea about the shader clock, they're the ones that make the differen...
    What is the Shader, Memory and Core clocks? -
  • I think I have an idea about the shader clock, they're the ones that make the differe...
    What is the Shader, Memory and Core clocks? - ...
  • 发现8800GTX/GTS的广告里多了个新的参数,叫做Shader clock.他是个什么东西?跟 我们平常说的核心频率和显存频率有关系吗?怎么看得到他?
    什么是Shader clock - 王牌显卡视像技术及行情资讯讨论区POPPUR ...
  • 发现8800GTX/GTS的广告里多了个新的参数,叫做Shader clock.他是个什么东西?跟我们平常说的核心频率和显存频率有关系吗?怎么看得到他?
    什么是Shader clock - 王牌显卡视像技术及行情资讯讨论区POPPUR爱换
  • 2012年3月18日 ... GPU的時脈主要分GPU Clock與Memory Clock,N家的GPU還有一個Shader Clock 。 筆者這邊只介紹AMD顯示卡超頻調整。...
    顯示卡超頻教學- Jason's LOST Secret 接森陋室的秘密- 樂多日誌